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A sloped roof covered in mossy tiles is shown. The roof consists of dark-colored tiles, partially covered in green moss. A red wooden wall and part of a white wall are visible beneath the roof.

How to clean moss off of roof

Green moss gives your roof an unattractive appearance and reduces the value of your home. These growths can also cause serious damage to your property, so it is imperative to get rid of them. In this article, we will describe what you need to do to get rid of moss and prevent it from recurring. 

Why moss should be gotten rid of 

Although green houses seem fabulously cute, the presence of moss on them actually reveals the true story that there is a serious problem with your home. The growths are attached to the roof with their peculiar hair-like structure and they need certain conditions, such as shade and humidity, to spread. Moss is essentially a natural sponge that holds moisture, soil, and contaminants. These organic materials can lead to serious leaks, especially if your roof has damage. For example, if your roof has a crack, it will enlarge during the winter when exposed to moisture, which can lead to serious coating damage and leaks. Therefore, moss with uncontrolled growth damages your roof and reduces its operational period. 

Surely you are not dreaming of a fairytale home and want to know how to remove moss from your roof. Read our article to the end and you can find out how to do it.

In which areas moss appears on the roof 

This type of vegetation appears in areas with high humidity. It likes common roofing materials, such as shingles, for example. Of course, moss is able to appear on any type of roof, but it is very rare to find it on metal materials. Moss grows in moist environments. These are usually north-facing roofs or shaded areas. Roofs that do not slope and drain moisture worse are also prone to moss growth. 

Detecting moss on a roof is fairly easy. It is very vivid and striking. Vegetation has a green color and is formed on the surface of the roof and between its crevices in the form of clumps. Do not hesitate after you have seen the moss on your roof. Get right down to business and remove it.

What you need to clean moss from the roof 

You are unlikely to be able to do this from a ladder, so climb onto the roof if possible. If you can’t do the task, it’s best to entrust it to a professional. Remember that it is very easy for an untrained person to get injured at heights or when working from a ladder. 

Use protection when working at height, if you dare to perform the manipulation of moss removal yourself. Tie yourself up with a special safety rope. Wear high-traction shoes and be careful not to damage your roof by stepping on it. Ideally, moss removal on the roof should be done in pairs, with the other person holding the ladder, keeping an eye on the situation, providing the necessary tools and assisting in case of an emergency.

Get rid of roof moss in 3 steps 

While you can easily remove moss at any time of the year, there is a belief that it is best done in the spring when there is a higher level of humidity outside. No matter when you do it, choose a non-sunny day for this task. This will prevent the solution from evaporating quickly. However, make sure that according to the forecast there will be no rain on that day.

Step 1 – removal of detached plants  

So, you’ve climbed onto a roof or ladder in protective gear. Rinse the moss with water from top to bottom. Remove loose parts with a brush, making top-to-bottom motions. Clean carefully so that the roof material is not damaged. 

Do not use a high-pressure washer on a moss roof. Water with great force can damage the shingles and cause leaks.

Step 2 – Apply the vegetation removal solution 

Gentle manual scrubbing will most likely not completely remove all vegetation. But even if you achieve this result, it can lead to staining. This is where chemicals come to the rescue. Cleaning chemicals damage plants and cause discoloration of surfaces. This is why it is important to hose the plants down with water before the solution is applied. 

After you have washed the moss with water, treat it with the solution and wait about 30 minutes, scrape it off, and wash your roof again. When using a store-bought solution, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. There are some liquids that need to be rinsed off and some that can be left on. Powdered products are usually spread evenly over the entire roof area.

Step 3 – take measures to prevent the spread of moss  

Unfortunately, moss tends to lie dormant in dry weather and reappear when it rains. The following tips will help you prevent moss from appearing on your roof:

  • Make regular inspections of your roof twice a year. Remove debris and dirt from your roof in a timely manner; 
  • Take steps to keep your roof dry. Enhance the exposure of your roof to sunlight. This can include trimming trees that create shade on your roof, as well as keeping your gutters clean so that water drains freely;
  • Fasten strips of zinc or copper to the roof, placing them slightly below the ridge on both sides, nailing them down about every foot. (You can also use rolled sheet metal, cutting it into strips 2 to 4 inches wide.) Rainwater washes the fine particles out of the metal, which runs down the roof, killing moss and fungus;
  • If you’re replacing an old roof with a new one because of moss infestation, look for shingles that are resistant to algae.

In which cases it is worth contacting professionals 

If your roof has been treated several times and moss keeps reappearing, or if you cannot physically handle the complicated process of moss removal, it is better to contact professional cleaners. Professionals have the necessary experience, skills and equipment. In addition, they have access to specialized moss control products that can be used to clean your roof in a quality manner.

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